Dev Process Integration Type of Reused Info Dev FOR Reuse Dev WITH Reuse
1 Ad hoc reuse. "White box" source code No responsibility for variability analysis, expressing generality, and cost-benefit analysis have been allocated. No formal support is provided to the developer for understanding components or estimating the cost of adapting a component. Adaptation and integration activities are ad hoc.
2 Differentiation of the for and with reuse activities. "Black box" source code with corresponding unit test information. Projects have allocated the above responsibilities, the models have been adapted, and the goals and effort for the activities are defined and followed up at the project level. General guidelines are defined to guide the developer in understanding components. Specific information about preliminary experiences of the costs of reusing components are provided. Specific techniques and guidelines are used for adapting and integrating components.
3 Integration of part of the for or with reuse processes into the development life cycle. Detailed design information The organization has specific support roles for the above responsibilities, and the goals, efforts, and results are monitored at a company level (i.e. on a product strategy basis). A dedicated organizational structure is defined to support the developer in understanding components and estimating their associated costs and risks. It is possible to access experts in the domain, or to get information from the component builder. Information corresponding to previous reuses has been attached to each component, to enable a reuser to understand the scope of each component. The development environment integrates automatic generation tools that are able to support adaptation.
4 Full integration of the for and with reuse processes into the development life cycle, with explicit links defined between the different for and with reuse activities. Architectural design information - frameworks (application family generic architectures), application domain subsystems The activities and results of the above responsibilities are measured, and the results are used to estimate future resource requirements. A generic cost estimation model has been defined to estimate adaptation costs.
5   Specifications and requirements The process and models for the above responsibilities are continuously improved based on feedback from development projects, and new techniques are systematically tried out and evaluated.