General Purpose Design Patterns | ||
l |
Null Object Bobby Woolf | 5 |
2 |
Manager Peter Sommerlad | 19 |
3 |
Product Trader Dirk Baumer and Dirk Riehle | 29 |
4 |
Type Object Ralph Johnson and Bobby Woolf | 47 |
5 |
Sponsor-Selector Eugene Wallingford | 67 |
6 |
Extension Object Erich Gamma | 79 |
Variations on Design Patterns | ||
7 |
Acyclic Visitor Robert C. Martin | 93 |
8 |
Default and Extrinsic Visitor Martin E. Nordberg III | 105 |
9 |
State Patterns Paul Dyson and Bruce Anderson | 125 |
Architectural Patterns | ||
l0 |
Recursive Control Bran Selic | 147 |
ll |
Bureaucracy Dirk Riehle | 163 |
Distribution Patterns | ||
12 |
Acceptor and Connector Douglas C. Schmidt | 191 |
13 |
Bodyguard Fernando Das Neves and Alexandra Garrido | 231 |
14 |
Asynchronous Completion Token Irfan Pyarali, Tim Harrison, and Douglas C. Schmidt | 245 |
15 |
Object Recovery Antonio Rito Silva, Joao Dias Pereira, and Jose Alves Marques | 261 |
16 |
Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages Neil B. Harrison | 277 |
Persistence Patterns | ||
17 |
Serializer Dirk Riehle, Wolf Siberski, Dirk Baumer, Daniel Megert, and Heinz Zullighoven | 293 |
18 |
Accessing Relational Databases Wolfgang Keller and Jens Coldewey | 313 |
User Interface Patterns | ||
l9 |
A Pattern Language for Developing Form Style Windows Mark Bradac and Becky Fletcher | 347 |
Programming Patterns | ||
20 |
Double-Checked Locking Douglas C. Schmidt and Tim Harrison | 363 |
21 |
External Polymorphism Chris Cleeland, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Tim Harrison | 377 |
Domain-Specific Patterns | ||
22 |
Business Patterns of Association Objects Lorraine L. Boyd | 395 |
23 |
A Pattern Language of Transport Systems (Point and Route) Liping Zhao and Ted Foster | 409 |
24 |
The Points and Deviations Pattern Language of Fire Alarm Systems Peter Molin and Lennart Ohlsson | 431 |
Process Patterns | ||
25 |
The Selfish Class Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder | 451 |
26 |
Patterns for Evolving Frameworks Don Roberts and Ralph Johnson | 471 |
27 |
Patterns for Designing in Teams Charles Weir | 487 |
28 |
Patterns for System Testing David E. DeLano and Linda Rising | 503 |
Patterns on Patterns | ||
29 |
A Pattern Language for Pattern Writing Gerard Meszaros and Jim Doble | 529 |