Frameworks and Components | ||
1 |
Functionality Ala Carte Sam S. Adams | 7 |
2 |
A Pattern Language for Tool Construction and Integration
Based on the Tools and Materials Metaphor Dirk Riehle and Heinz Zullighoven | 9 |
3 |
Flexible Command Interpreter: A Pattern for an Extensible
and Language-Independent Interpreter System Norbert Portner | 43 |
4 |
New Clients with Old Servers: A Pattern Language for Client/Server
Frameworks Kirk Wolf and Chamond Liu | 51 |
Systems and Distributed Processing | ||
5 |
A Generative Pattem Language for Distributed Processing Dennis L DeBruler | 69 |
6 |
G++: A Pattern Language for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Amund Aarsten, Gabriele Elia, and Giuseppe Menga | 91 |
7 |
Patterns for Generating a Layered Architecture Barry Rubel | 119 |
8 |
Pattern: Half-object + Protocol (HOPP) Gerard Meszaros | 129 |
9 |
The Master-Slave Pattern Frank Buschmann | 133 |
Business Objects | ||
10 |
The CHECKS Pattern Language of Information Integrity Ward Cunningham | 145 |
11 |
Account Number: A Pattern William C. Wake | 157 |
12 |
Stars: A Pattern Language for Query-Optimized Schemas Stephen Peterson | 163 |
Process and Organization | ||
13 |
A Generative Development-Process Pattern Language James O. Coplien | 183 |
14 |
Lifecycle and Refactoring Patterns That Support Evolution and Reuse Brian Foote and William F. Opdyke | 239 |
15 |
RAPPeL: A Requirements-Analysis-Process Pattern Language for Object-Oriented
Development Bruce Whitenack | 259 |
16 |
Caterpillar's Fate: A Pattern Language for the Transformation from Analysis
to Design Norman L. Kerth | 293 |
Design Patterns and Catalogs | ||
17 |
A System of Patterns Frank Buschmann and Regine Meunier | 325 |
18 |
Relationships Between Design Patterns Walter Zimmer | 345 |
19 |
Discovering Patterns in Existing Applications Robert Martin | 365 |
20 |
Implementing Patterns Jiri Soukup | 395 |
Architecture and Communication | ||
21 |
Streams: A Pattern for "Pull-Driven" Processing Stephen H. Edwards | 417 |
22 |
The Pipes and Filters Architecture Regine Meunier | 427 |
23 |
Pattern-Based Integration Architectures Diane E. Mularz | 441 |
24 |
Patterns for Software Architectures Mary Shaw | 453 |
Object Usage and Style | ||
25 |
Understanding and Using the ValueModel Framework in
VisualWorks Smalltalk Bobby Woolf | 467 |
26 |
Client-Specified Self Panu Viljamaa | 495 |
27 |
Reusability Through Self-Encapsulation Ken Auer | 505 |
Events and Event Handlers | ||
28 |
A Pattern for Separating Assembly and Processing Stephen P. Berczuk | 521 |
29 |
Reactor: An Object Behavioral Pattern for Concurrent
Event Demultiplexing and Event Handler Dispatching Douglas C. Schmidt | 529 |
30 |
Patterns of Events Alexander S. Ran | 547 |